Multi Station
Vicat Test Apparatus
The PC-application shows following message
"Needle is possibly broken!
“Please replace needle if necessary and press OK."
After eliminating the fault, press
“OK” button
on PC-panel to continue the tests.
The testing apparatus detects when no drop rod is present in the drop rod holder and reports this with the
following status display.
Figure 67: message drop rod missing
The PC-software shows following message.
“Rod not found!”
“Please insert rod and press OK”
The following status display appears during searching for drop rod.
Figure 68: message searching for drop rod
A detected drop rod is reported with the following status display.
Figure 69: message drop rod present
Should the drop rod come loose from its holder while running (which is highly unlikely), all motors will be
stopped and the following status message generated.
Figure 70: message rod lost during movement
At the same time, a report will be generated on the PC. The device searches for the rod automatically. A
reference search will be initiated as soon as the drop rod is in the holder and the tests continue to run.
If a motor does not reach its target position within a predefined time, a timeout message will appear.
Drop rod missing
Searching for drop
Drop rod present
TP: 12 sample 3
TT: 14708 sec
PD: 37.1 mm F:100%
Rod lost on XY run