Borehole Status
The borehole status window provides the current status of the borehole
measurement. As entered in the Borehole setup wizard, the Borehole ID is TP-00,
Start Depth is 0m, End Depth is 10m, Core Length is 2m, # of cores in Box is 5
and Depth interval of 0.25. The status window above shows that 1 of 5 cores are
logged for the depth of 0 to 2m as specified in the Borehole setup. This status
window will be updated each time a new measurement is saved.
In case of more than one Core box, the after completion of the first core box, the
meter will automatically will be configured for the next core box with the
appropriate start depth without any intervention from the user.
Step 5:
to continue scanning rest of the cores. When all of the
cores have been scanned and saved, a message showing borehole complete
will be displayed as shown on the next page.
Borehole completed
It is important to remember that it is not possible to store new reading for a borehole
that is already completed and saved. The message shown below will appear when
attempting to save new readings for a completed borehole.