Select Trigger Source
The signal generator generates output of pulse train upon receiving a trigger signal, and then waits for the next trigger
signal. The trigger source of pulse train can be internal, external or manual. To change it, you can use the multi-functional
control and direction keys on the interface for selecting the type of pulse train or press soft key Source.
When using an internal trigger, pulse train is output continuously with designated frequency. The frequency of pulse train
output is determined by period of pulse train. The signal generator can output “N cycle” or “infinite” pulse train.
When using an external trigger, the waveform generator will accept a hardware trigger that has been applied to the
external digital modulation interface (FSK Trig connector) on the back panel. The waveform generator will output a pulse
train upon receiving a TTL pulse with designated polarity. The signal generator can output “N cycle”, “gating” or “infinite”
pulse train.
When using a manual trigger, the backlight of Trigger on the front panel flashes. A pulse train is output upon pressing
Trigger. The signal generator can output “N cycle” or “infinite” pulse train.
Trigger Output
When using an internal or manual trigger source, the trigger signal (square wave) can be output through sync output
interface. The signal is compatible with TTL level.
Trigger Edge
Trigger edge can be designated when external digital modulation interface (FSK Trig connector) is used as input. When it
is used as input (i.e. internal trigger source), “rising edge” means that rising edge of an external signal triggers output of a
pulse train, and “falling edge” means that falling edge of an external signal triggers output of a pulse train. In gating mode,
when polarity in parameter list is “positive”, external signal triggers output of a pulse train at high level, and “negative
polarity” means that external signal triggers output of a pulse train at low level. When it is used as output (i.e. “internal” or
“manual” trigger and trigger output is “ON”), the default edge is “rising edge”.
Comprehensive Example
First set the instrument to run in pulse train mode, and then set a sine wave signal with period of 5ms and amplitude of
500mVpp as waveform of pulse train, set type of pulse train to be N-cycle, period of pulse train to be 15ms and recurring
number to be 2.
The specific steps are as follows:
Use pulse train function
Press BURST, Type and N Cyc in sequence (press soft key Type to select) to set type of pulse train to be “N-cycle” mode.