Type of Burst
The function/arbitrary waveform generator can output three types of pulse train, N cycle, gating and infinite. The default
type is N cycle.
N cycle mode
Press soft keys Type and N Cyc in sequence on the interface for starting pulse function to enter N cycle mode. In this
mode, the waveform generator will output a waveform with designated recurring number (pulse train) upon receiving
trigger. After outputting a designated number of cycles, the waveform generator will stop and wait for the next trigger. The
trigger source of pulse train can be internal, external or manual in this mode. To change it, you can use the multi-functional
control and direction keys on the interface for selecting the type of pulse train (as shown in the figure below) or press the
soft function key Source.
Figure 4- 135 Select N cycle mode
Gating mode
Press the soft function keys Type and Gated in sequence on the interface for starting pulse function to enter gating mode.
In mode of gating pulse train, trigger source, trigger output, trigger edge, burst period (period of pulse train) and recurring
number will not be shown in the parameter list. As only an external trigger source can be used, waveform generator is
triggered according to the hardware connected to the external digital modulation interface (FSK Trig connector) on the
back panel. When polarity is positive and trigger input signal is at high level, a continuous waveform is output; when
trigger input signal is at low level, the current waveform period is finished first and then stop at the level corresponding to
the initial phase of the waveform selected. For noise waveform, when gated signal is spurious, output will be immediately
stopped. Polarity can be changed with the multi-functional control and direction keys on the interface for selecting gating
mode (as shown in the figure below) or by pressing soft key Trg Edge.