Appendix - Troubleshooting
Temptime LoRaWan enabled solution
EDGE W-200 module
Page 28
Appendix - Troubleshooting
If you are having difficulties with your configuration, look at these frequently asked questions before
contacting technical support.
There is nothing displayed on the EDGE module screen. What should I do?
check to make sure
the battery is installed and that it is inserted in the right direction (+/- according to the image in the
battery slot). Try testing the unit with a battery that is known to be of the correct size and voltage (3.6V
Lithium, 3600 mA). Contact technical support if the battery is OK and still nothing is displayed on the
I press the button for 3 seconds but my EDGE W-200 module does not connect to my receiver; what
should I do?
If your module displays “ACK_NOT_RECEIVED” instead of “ACK_RECEIVED” when you press
the button, try bringing the module closer to your receiver for a better wireless connection. Also, check
to make sure the receiver is working properly.
The EDGE module is properly connected to the Cloud. Why don’t I get any temperature readings?
This is usually due to a loose cable or improperly connected temperature sensor. Check the cable
between the EDGE module and the sensor. Unplug the sensor and plug it back in. Make sure there are
no exposed wires. Try a different sensor.
Can external sensors be submerged in glycol?
Yes, for all metal-tipped sensors, but not the dual temperature/humidity sensor (with the white
Teflon/PTFE casing). To “absorb” sudden variations in temperature, such as those caused by opening
and closing the chamber door, you may submerge the metal part of the sensor in glycol or glycerol. This
limits inconsequential temperature variations recorded by the sensor. Check your laboratory’s Quality
guide for recommendations and make sure to use a volume of glycol that corresponds to the volume of
product(s) you are monitoring. To achieve the same results, you may also delay the transmission of
alarms via the software and leave the sensors exposed.