External Smart Sensors
Temptime LoRaWan enabled solution
EDGE W-200 module
Page 19
PT100: -200°C to +50°C
PT100 sensors for LN2/cryogenic tanks must be mounted, when applicable, in close proximity to the unit
display sensor.
To avoid temperature measurement disappearances,
recommends mounting the sensor at the
same height as the display sensor.
As an example, some freezers have an access panel on the back of the unit in which you may route the
sensor cable up the back wall. Place the cable under the tank gasket utilizing the notch at the 12 o’clock
position. We recommend the installation of permagum sealant where the cable passes through the
Depending on whether storing in vapor or liquid phase, place the sensor at a depth suitable for proper
temperature monitoring.
Figure 7 – PT100 (-200°C to +50°C) for nitrogen/cryogenic tank