External Smart Sensors
Temptime LoRaWan enabled solution
EDGE W-200 module
Page 17
Placing Smart Sensors™
General note about sensor placement
Given the extreme temperature ranges typically handled by PT100 sensors, please be sure to
use the PT100-compatible mounting system provided with your freezer, oven, nitrogen tank, or
other equipment.
As mentioned earlier, the EDGE wireless monitoring system supports three different PT100 temperature
sensors, each designed for a different application and temperature range. Placement of your PT100
sensor(s) depends on the equipment you intend to monitor, as described below.
In all cases described in this section, the plastic connector joining the module and
the sensor must be in the same temperature space as the module, not the sensor.
When routing the cable for any EDGE sensor, avoid direct contact with or close proximity
placement of the sensor cabling with any high voltage wiring. Cabling should be placed with no
less than a minimum of 5 cm (2 inches) distance from high voltage components. Also, avoid
running the sensor cable in parallel with high voltage wiring.
Your equipment may be different than that described here. Contact the manufacturer of your
equipment for instructions regarding proper placement of the sensor.
PT100: -100°C to +150°C
When installing a PT100 sensor in an ultra-low-temperature (ULT) freezer, it is easiest to proceed with a
thawed freezer.
When possible, route the sensor through the same access port used by the unit control sensor or an
accessory port, such as that shown below in Figure 6.
When routing the PT100 sensor through the same port used by the control sensor, Temptime
recommends installing the sensor only after the freezer has reached a thawed state.
To negate the possibility of condensation dripping on the electronics, avoid routing the cable in close
proximity to any electrical enclosures.
Mount the PT100 sensor as close to the unit control sensor as possible. When possible, we recommend
mounting the sensor within 5 cm (2 inches) of the control sensor.
When mounting the PT100 sensor, avoid direct contact with the wall of the freezer. This will ensure the
sensor is mounted to permit measurement of air temperature only.