Tempest MasterBelt Operating Manual
Set Network Number and Lockout Key
The Network Number determines the frequency hopping pattern for the MasterBelt and its respective BeltStations. This is a key operational
parameter and is represented by a number between 0 and 63.
Using different configurations or systems in close proximity can cause interference and diminish performance. Multiple MasterBelt configurations
within the same proximity should maintain a respectable distance from one another and always utilize different network numbers.
The Lockout Key prevents systems with the same Network Number from trying to communicate with each other and is represented by a number
between 0 and 255. Together, the Network Number and Lockout Key represent more than 16,000 possible combinations to minimize the
possibility of inter-system interference.
The Network Numbers and Lockout Keys for Tempest Wireless are set to factory defaults before leaving the factory. Always adjust the Network
Number and Lockout Key of any Tempest Wireless that are known to operate in close proximity to one another as described below. Users should
confirm these settings to minimize the opportunity for improper performance issues.
Failure to set a unique Network Number and Lockout Key may result in poor system performance caused by interference from another Tempest
Wireless system using the same Network Number and Lockout Key. Tempest BeltStations received their Network Number and Lockout Key’s
from their respective MasterBelt, therefore it is not possible to manipulate Network Numbers and Lockout Keys to gain unauthorized access to a
communication channel.