Display Current T-311 Status
This command shows the current setting of all S registers, including information on the RS-232 port
parameters, status of the various receivers, and which options are enabled. The T-311 must be in V3
Password Enable/Disable
This command enables or disables security checking on incoming calls to the T-311. The password is
set or changed using the *W command.
*C or *C0 Security Off
This command disables the function. No password is required to access the T-311. (Default)
Security On
This command enables the function. The T-311 requires incoming callers to enter a password.
This command will display the last stored Caller ID message (provided that ATV3 is used (default)),
on -B version only..
This command clears the Caller ID buffer as displayed by *D.
Turn Remote Control/Audio Input On/Off
This command turns the remote control switch and audio input on or off. The audio input is the input
from the remote device which is output over the network.
*R or*R0 Turn Remote Control Switch and Audio Input OFF
This command turns both remote control switch and audio input OFF (Default)
Turn Remote Control Switch ON and Audio Input OFF
This command turns the remote control switch ON and audio input OFF (to record from the phone
Turn Remote Control Switch and Audio Input ON
This command turns both remote control switch and audio input ON (to play back to the network)
Set Password
This command sets the password for incoming calls to the T-311. A telephone
cannot be used to set
the password; it must be set through the computer. The password may be any 3 to 15 character com-
bination of 0 - 9, *, and A - D, and must be terminated by #, <CR>. (The # counts as one digit.)
The password is automatically saved in EEPROM. *C must also be set to enable.
*Wnnn#<CR> sets the password nnn.
For example, AT*W620ACDC*B4# <CR>
S Registers
T-311 configuration parameters are retained in S registers. Changes to the default configuration are
made either by directly manipulating the contents of the S register or through another AT command,
as described in Chapter 10. To read the contents of a register, issue: AT Sxx? ( xx is the register
Reference Manual
Chapter 8: Commands
40-400-00045, Rev.
Page 31