Reference Manual
Chapter 8: Commands
40-400-00045, Rev.
Page 23
Disable all detectors
Toggle on/off Caller ID & Visual Message Waiting detection
Z or Z0
Reset the T-311 using the values stored in EEPROM
Reset the T-311 RS-232C port to default values
&D or &D0
T-311 ignores DTR, DTR LED is always on
T-311 hangs up line when it detects on-to-off transition on DTR, LED follows DTR
Fetch the default configuration and load it into RAM
Write the active configuration into EEPROM
Store the telephone number nnn
Repeat the commands stored in the command buffer
Display line status
Display current T-311 status (contents of all S registers)
*C or *C0
Disable password
Enable password
Display the last stored Caller ID message
*R or *R0
Turn off both remote switch and remote input to the network
Turn on remote switch
Turn on remote switch and the remote audio input
Set password nnn
Table 4 Command Set (Sheet 2 of 2)