Further Settings
Page 48
2004 by TELES AG Berlin, Version 2.0/iPBX8TRe/6.02, Issue: May 1998
5.14 Change Device ID
Device IDs are only necessary when you operate several TELES devices to-
gether on a common ISDN line and use special functions that the TELES.Family
patent offers: comfortable call transfer, programming and telephoning through
TELES.OnlinePowerPack. When you’ve attached
only one
device – that is only
your TELES.iPBX 8TR Box – on the ISDN line and do not use these features
then the device ID is without meaning. Changes on your part are not necessary
The device ID is a single digit number. The numbers 1 to 8 are available. The
factory settings give each device the ID 1.
Setting a device ID:
Lift the receiver. You hear the dial tone.
Press the star key.
Enter the PIN if necessary.
Enter the digits 09.
Enter the device ID.
Press the pound key. Listen for the confirmation tone.
Put the receiver down.
You would like to assign the device ID 2 to the TELES.iPBX
8TR Box.
) 09 2
For comfortable call transfer to TELES-ISDN devices on the same ISDN line,
the box’s device ID always connects to port 1. For any further port enter the de-
vice ID’s number, add to it the port number and then subtract 1.
Say the box’s device ID is set on 3. For port 1 you would simply
dial 3, for port 2 dial 4 (i.e. 3+2-1=4), for port 3 dial 5 (i.e. 3+3-
1=5), etc.
You do not have to set these additional device IDs yourself, but only keep them
reserved to avoid assigning them to other devices.
The highest device ID you ought to assign is the ID 3 so that you have enough
IDs for all the ports. Ports 17 and 18 cannot be use for comfortable call transfer.