Telereef Controller - User Manual V.140313
Beside system configuration file can be export and import, you can use embedded File
Manager to download individual file from Micro SD card to
desktop computer. Login to Telereef Web Interface from
desktop computer and go to Setup page, scroll to “More”
section near the bottom of Setup page push SD Card
button, File Manager page will show up, from there you can
download or delete files from Micro SD card, this function
especially useful for download or delete individual logs file.
If the file system of the Micro SD card is corrupted, you can
format the Micro SD card by push Format button, this will
erase all data stored in the card and return to factory setup.
• FTP server for logs backup
Although with the 2GB Micro SD card, Telereef Controller
can store more than 30 years daily log files, it is not a good
idea to store mass amount of files inside a Micro SD card. If
you have a NAS or FTP server, Telereef Controller can send
the daily log to the FTP server and erase the old log files
from Micro SD card automatically.
To set up FTP Server, login to Telereef Web Interface from
Smart Phone and go to Setup page, scroll to “More” section
near the bottom of Setup page push “System” button.
Inside the System Settings page, you will found four settings related to FTP, where
- is the IP Address of your FTP Server, if the FTP Server is installed on
same LAN with Telereef Controller, you can input the internal IP Address of that FTP
Server. If the FTP Server is installed on outside network, you need to input the internet
IP Address of that FTP Server.
FTP User
- Login user name of the FTP Account
FTP Password
- Login password of the FTP Account
FTP Folder
- The folder name which will be used to store the log files
After setup FTP Server, Telereef Controller will upload the newest log file every night at
0:00am, if you confirmed the upload is working properly, you may wish to let Telereef
Controller delete the oldest log automatically. There is an option “Keep Logs: xx Days”
that tell Telereef Controller keeps how many days of log files inside it’s Micro SD card.
For example, 10 Days means keep only ten days logs inside the Micro SD card, the
oldest one will be deleted at 0:00am every night.
• Log format
The log file records detail information about the aquarium every minute included sensor
values, sockets status and sockets usage, this log file is in simple CSV text format that
can be easily open by any text editor or import to the spreadsheet program and named
with the date format. Upcoming Telereef iOS App also uses the data in log file to draws
graph for each sensor.