Remote Control Touch
User Guide
Datum: 08.12.2015
Seite 26 von 61
Figure 8.12: Tab sheet
“GPS” – continuation
If the window contains only the display of “No GPS signal”, this may be for at least one of the
following reasons:
The GPS connection is disabled.
The GPS receiver is not connected.
No satellite or too few satellites were found (minimum 3).
Figure 8.13: Tab sheet
“GPS”: No GPS signal
8.3.8 General
The window of the tab sheet
contains a total of five control elements:
1. Brightness scale with
brightness slider
2. ON/OFF switch
3. Volume scale with
volume slider
4. and 5. Intern/Extern switch
To adjust a switch, tap on the button or in the gray boundary.
To adjust a slider, swipe it or tap on the desired position on the brightness scale.
Altitude above sea level
No. of satellites found