Telegesis (UK) Limited
User Guide
©2008 Telegesis (UK) Ltd
ETRXn User Guide (Rev 1.04)
In order to communicate with other modules a module must be part of a PAN (Personal Area
Network). To find out about the
status of the local module simply issue the “AT+N” command and
this will show you th
e module‟s network status. If the module is not part of a PAN (response
“+N:none”) it can be instructed to join an existing PAN using the “AT+JN” command, or to start a
ew PAN for other units to participate in using the “AT+EN” command. In order to exchange
messages all units need to be on the same PAN, i.e. have the same channel and the same PAN
ID. The response “+N:cc,pppp” displays the channel number (cc) and the PAN ID (pppp) of the
current PAN. If you have a module which is part of a separate PAN simply use the “AT+DASSL”
command to leave the current PAN and try joining the correct PAN using the “AT+JN” command.
Network establishment and maintenance is described in more detail in Section 3.3.
In order to find other nodes which are part of the same PAN press the “Scan Pan” button which
sends the “AT+SN” command to the local module. (Your terminal software may expect a
parameter after the command, namely the number of hops to interrogate. Just type a suitable two-
digit number e.g. “08”). The module will now transmit a request to all the modules within eight
hops asking them to identify themselves. When modules are found the “Discover Devices” window
will pop up (if not already open) and display a list of all of the modules which have reported in. See
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Results of a network search
In this example three additional modules were detected: one ZigBee Coordinator (COO), one
ZigBee Router (FFD) and one Sleepy End Device (SED). For an explanation of the device types
see Section 3.2.