Telegesis (UK) Limited
User Guide
©2008 Telegesis (UK) Ltd
ETRXn User Guide (Rev 1.04)
PAN ID is used by another network. In this case, a randomly generated number is allocated
3.3.2 AT+DASSL
– Disassociate Local Node
To check for the presence of PANs (AT+PANSCAN), measure the signal energy in the radio
channels (AT+ESCAN), or join a different network, a node must first disassociate itself from its
current network using the “AT+DASSL” command.
3.3.3 AT+DASSR
– Disassociate remote device from PAN
To move a node from one PAN to another, it must first be disassociated. This may be necessary
when it is intended to swap a coordinator unit for another (which will initiate a new PAN).
3.3.4 AT+JN
– Join Network
The node will scan all channels for a PAN which allows units to join. Once it has found such a
network the node will join in. This is a very convenient way of joining a network; it does not,
however, give the local node a choice of which network to join if there is more than one network
– Scan for all available channels
“AT+PANSCAN” will produce a list of all available channels from which you can manually choose
the one you wish the unit to join. To perform this you need to use the “AT+JPAN” command.
3.3.6 AT+JPAN:cc,pppp - Join specific PAN
cc is the channel number and pppp is the PAN ID of the PAN which is to be joined. There are also
a number of auxiliary commands, shown below.
3.3.7 AT+N
– Display network parameters
“AT+N” reports the type of the local node (see section 3.3), the channel number and PAN ID, and
the transmitter power.
3.3.8 AT+ESCAN
– Scan the energy of all channels
”AT+ESCAN” scans all channels which are not masked out in register S00 and displays their
energy levels.
3.3.9 AT+SN
– Scan network for other nodes
This functionality has been extended so that it is now possible to specify the number of hops the
search should cover (1 to 6). This combines the AT+SN and AT+SNEIGHBOURS command of
R1xx into a single command. Optionally the RSSI and LQI readings between the remote device
and the local device can be displayed if bit 6 of register S06 is set as described in section 5.