Telegesis (UK) Limited
User Guide
©2008 Telegesis (UK) Ltd
ETRXn User Guide (Rev 1.04)
Figure 2. Windows Device Manager
The connection should be set up using the default values as shown in Figure 3. By default the
module uses a bit-rate of 19200bps, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no flow control. Optionally
XON/XOFF as well as hardware flow control is supported. (See section 10 for more detail).
Pressing the “Connect” button establishes the connection to the ETRXn module on the
development board.
Figure 3. Setup of the Serial Connection
The module will accept commands starting with the “AT” prefix after it has booted up successfully.
Booting up can take 1-
2 seconds and on completion the module will prompt “OK”.
Entering the “ATI” command into the terminal window, followed by <Enter>, will cause the module
to display its manufacturing information. Alternatively the “Info” button in the “Module Control”
section can be pressed, causing the “ATI” command to be sent to the local module. After executing
a command the module will prompt “OK” or an error code as explained in the AT command