Piranha4 8K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Figure 22. External Trigger Minimum High and Low Times
Set Line Rate
To set the camera‘s line rate use the line rate p arameter, part of the Sensor Controls set. This feature can
only be u sed w hen the cam era is in Internal m od e —that is, w hen the start line trigger is d isabled (Trigger
Mod e Off).
: Line rate > (Exp osu re tim e + 1,500 ns) w ill retu rn an error (―Invalid Param eter‖) if this cond ition is
not m et. You m u st ad ju st these tw o p aram eters in the correct sequ ence to m aintain this cond ition.
If the external line rate exceed s 50 kH z the cam era w ill continu e to ou tp u t d ata at its m axim u m line rate
of 50 kH z. Thou gh no im age artefacts associated w ith over -sp eed w ill occu r, you m ay notice that u nd er
over-sp eed cond itions the im age w ill ap p ear com p ressed and the ap p arent d istance travelled w ill be
red u ced .
Camera Control
Line Rate (in H z)
Cam era line rate in a range from 1 H z to 50 KH z.
This featu re is only available w hen the cam era is in Internal Mod e—
line trigger is d isabled (Trigger Mod e off).
Line Rates
Camera Link Configuration
Maximum Line Rate
10 kH z, Base RGB8
Med iu m
20 kH z
50 kH z (Deca RGBG8) / 34 kH z (Deca RGB8)
maximum line rate =
(exposure time + low time*)
*Exposure time must be greater than 6 µs and low time greater than 1,500 ns
h m in
6u s
l m in
1.5u s