Piranha4 8K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
3. Software and Hardware Setup
Recommended System Requirements
To achieve best system p erform ance, the follow ing m inim u m requ irem ents are recom m end ed :
H igh band w id th fram e grabber, e.g. Xcelera -CL PX4 Fu ll Cam era Link fram e grabber (Part # OR-
Op erating system : Wind ow s XP 32-bit.
Setup Steps: Overview
Take the follow ing step s in ord er to setu p and ru n you r cam era system . They are d escribed briefly below
and in m ore d etail in the sections that follow .
1. Install and Configure Frame Grabber and Software (including
We recom m end the Xcelera-CL PX4 Fu ll fram e grabber or equ ivalent, d escribed in d etail on the
teled yned alsa.com site
. If you r host com p u ter d oes not have a PX4 fu ll Cam era Link fram e grabber
then you w ill need to install one. Follow the m anu factu rer‘s installation instru ctions.
A GenICam ™ compliant XML d evice d escription file is embed d ed within the cam era firmw are allowing
GenICam ™ compliant ap plication to know the camera‘s cap abilities immed iately after connecti on.
Installing SaperaLT gives you access to the CamExpert GUI, a GenICam ™ com pliant application.
2. Connect Camera Link and Power Cables
Connect the Cam era Link cables from the cam era to the com p u ter.
Connect a p ow er cable from the cam era to a +12 VDC to +24 VDC p ow er su p p ly.
3. Establish communicating with the camera
Start the GUI and establish com m u nication w ith the cam era. Refer to Step 2: Connect Cam era Link and
Pow er Cables for a d escrip tion on com m u nicating w ith the cam era.
ASCII Commands
As an alternative to the Cam Exp ert (or equ ivalent) GUI, you can com m u nicate w ith this cam era u sing
ASCII-based com m and s. A com p lete list of the com m and s can be fou nd in the ap p end ix: ASCII User
Com m and Reference.
4. Operate the Camera
At this p oint you w ill be read y to start op erating the cam era in ord er to acqu ire im ages, set cam era
fu nctions, and save settings.