Piranha4 8K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Figure 8: Camera Mechanical with External Heat Sink
Camera Mounting and Heat Sink Considerations
The Piranha4 cam eras ship s w ith tw o heat sinks installed and id eally p ositioned to allow close sp acing of
the cam eras. These heat sinks are d esigned to p rovid e ad equ ate convection cooling w hen not obstru cted
by enclosu res or m ou nting assem blies.
Teled yne DALSA recognises that each cu stom er‘s ap p lication can be u niqu e. In consid eration, the P4
cam era heat sinks have been d esigned in su ch a w ay that they can be rep ositioned on the d ifferent faces
of the cam era or rem oved entirely, d ep end ing on the m ou nting configu ration and its heat sinking
p otential.
Rep ositioning or rem oval of the heat sinks m u st be p erform ed w ith care in ord er to avoid tem p eratu re
issu es. The cam era has the ability to m easu re its internal tem p eratu re. Use this featu re to record the
internal tem p eratu re of the cam era w hen it is m ou nted in you r system and op erating u nd er the w orst
case cond itions. The cam era w ill stop ou tp u tting d ata if its internal tem p eratu re reaches 75 °C.