Piranha4 8K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Step 2. Connect Data, Trigger, and Power Cables
: the u se of cables typ es and lengths other than those sp ecified m ay resu lt in increased em ission or
d ecreased im m u nity and p erform ance of the cam era.
Figure 9: Input and Output, trigger, and Power Connectors
WARN IN G! Grounding Instructions
Static electricity can d am age electronic com p onents. It‘s critical that you d ischarge any static
electrical charge by tou ching a grou nd ed su rface, su ch as the m etal com p u ter ch assis, b efore
hand ling the cam era hard w are.
Data Connector: Camera Link
The cam era u ses tw o Cam era Link MDR26 cables transm itting the Cam era Link Base, Med iu m , Deca
configu ration. The figu re below show s the MDR26 Cam era Link Connector and the tables that follow list
the Cam era Link Base, Med iu m , and Deca configu ration s.
For d etailed inform ation on Cam era Link p lease refer to the Cam era Link Road Map available from th e
on the Teled yne DALSA Web site.