Installation instructions
Chapter 1: Introduction
1 .2 Abou t Ly nx sy stems
Lynx systems are composed of a stationary unit (receiver), a hand unit (transmitter)
and a master unit (PC).
The communication between the master device and the Lynx system requires to
write a software application. Configuration is done via Modbus protocol (see
"Annex A: Implementation Specifications – Lynx (in English)"
1 .2 .1 T H E H A N D UN I T
The transmitter uses duplex communication and works in continuous mode.
There are three models available: with 3, 6 or 8 buttons.
1 .2 .2 T H E S T A T I O N A RY UN I T
The receiver uses duplex communication and works in continuous mode.
It can use RS232 and RS485 for communication with the master unit and has two
open collector outputs and two digital inputs.
1 .2 .3 MA S T ER UN I T
Can be e.g. a PC or a PLC. The master unit must be connected to the receiver with a
serial cable (cross over/null modem RS232 cable). The system is based on Modbus,
a widely used, open serial communication protocol. Transmission speed is approx.
19 200 bits per second. It is possible to choose between RS232 or RS485 for
communication with the receiver.