Installation instructions
Chapter 1: Introduction
1 .2 .6 I N PUT S / O UT PUT S
O pen c ol l ec t ors ( O C )
A lower or higher voltage than the input power supply can be used (up to 24V DC).
Can be used to interface devices that have different operating logic voltage levels,
or to control external circuitry that requires a higher voltage level ( e.g. a 12 V
Open collectors are controlled by the master application. More than one open-
collector output can be connected to a single line. See
for more
Digit al inpu t s
DI can be used for receiving input from the master application. A switch, or a micro
switch, can be connected (see
" Wiring example for the digital inputs"
for more
details). Maximum input voltage to the digital inputs is +3.3 VDC referred to GND.