Do not connect this product to any source which might be subject to the effects of lightning
If thunderstorms or lightning are in your vicinity:
When weather conditions that could lead to lightning activity exist in your area,
you could be at risk of a lightning strike
before the cloud is close enough for you to hear thunder or see lightning.
When lightning strikes a structure or facility, current travels through rebar, concrete, pipes, cables, vent stacks, and electrical
Lightning can induce electric and magnetic
elds into structures and portions of wiring. The length of a conductor affected by
the magnetic
eld of a lightning strike may exceed two miles.
Be alert and aware of the effects of lightning
When lightning strikes a conductor, which in turn introduces the current into an area some distance from the ground strike point,
equipment can be damaged and personnel injured if they become an indirect path in the completion of the ground circuit.
Conductors such as the braided shields of cables or unshielded wires will have signi
cant transient currents
owing in them
in regions exposed to the electric
eld effect of lightning.
Induced voltages may cause breakdown of insulation in wiring at connectors and in electrical components or breakdown of air.
RF Scout Quick Start User Manual