The vertical deflection system has four input channels. Two channels have
11 basic deflection factors from 2 mV to 5 V per division, and two channels
have two basic deflection factors of 0.1 V and 0.5 V per division. Basic
deflection factors can be extended with attenuator probes. VOLTS/DIV
readouts are switched to display the correct vertical scale factors when
properly coded probes are connected to the vertical input connectors.
The horizontal deflection system provides single, dual, or delayed sweeps
from 0.5 s to 20 ns per division (delayed sweep, 5 ms to 20 ns per division).
The trigger system provides stable triggering over the full bandwidth of the
vertical deflection system.
Alphanumeric crt readouts of the vertical and horizontal scale factors are
displayed at the bottom of the screen. On-screen vertical and horizontal
cursors provide accurate voltage, time, and frequency measurements;
measurement values are displayed at the top of the crt.
The measurement system provides direct readout of delta voltage, delta
time, and frequency from positionabie cursors. Delay-time and delta-delay
measurements for time and frequency are available in ALT and B Horizontal
By pressing a single button (AUTO SETUP), the front-panel controls can
be set up to produce a usable waveform display based on the voltage and
time characteristics of the input signals.
2245A Operators