MUI_CAIO_Ita_Eng_Fra_TP/Rev.06/Data 21.02.2022
The 2 types of drain cannot be usedat the same time. The drain thatisnotused must be plugged in order not
to cause unwantedoutflow of condensation water thatcoulddamage the environmentsurrounding the unit.
Condensate drain with drain pump
If the drain with drain pump isused, the natural condensate drain must be plugged.
The pump inside the unithas a head of about 50 cm.In any case itisnecessary to considerthat the pump will
stop working when the unitisturned off, thereforetherewill be a return of water to the condensate
collectionbasin. The volume of water returning must not be suchas to trigger the overflow float and
therefore the consequenterrorsignals; thereforeitisstronglyrecommendednot to
provideupwardpathsexcept for the shortestpossibledistance.
Natural condensate drain
If the natural condensate drainageisused, itisnecessary to deactivate the condensate drainage pump and
then plug the condensate drainage with a drainage pump.In order to deactivate the condensate drain
pump, itisnecessary to remove the power connector of the pump itself [PUM for CAI-12] [HEAT-B for CAI-
18] located in the electronic board.
Installation of the discharge pipe
Itisimportant to keep the installation site sufficiently dry in order to avoid the formation of condensation on
the externalcarpentry of the unit.Install the drain following the instructionslater in thismanual:
1.Always install the condensate drain with a downwardslope (1/50 to 1/100) and never make siphons or
bendsat an angle.
2.Make sure thatthere are no cracks or gaps in the condensate drainage pipe to avoid the formation of air
pockets or leaks along the route.
3.When the drainage pipe isparticularly long, provide intermediate supports.
4.Always adequatelyinsulate the condensation drain pipe.
Condensate drain
Maintennace drain