Jamming mode: ON with alarm
Alarm configura on
Alarm: ON (Default)
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Alarm ON (Default 1 minute)
If the blinding mode is ac ve, the alarm will be
ac vated when there are 10 incorrect a empts,
while if it is deac vated only the an -tamper will be
ac vated.
(Digit a number from 1 to 3)
Exit Setup Mode
Alarm: OFF
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Alarm OFF
Warning: this opera on will disable the blinding with
alarm mode
Exit Setup Mode
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Jamming mode ON with alarm
Enable alarm, need enter Valid PIN or Fingerprint to
Exit Setup Mode
T.A. Tecno Automazione s.r.l.
- Via Vicinale snc - 03018 - Paliano - (FR) - Italy - Tel +39 0775 533677 - Fax +39 0775 533299 - [email protected] -