Remove a card / tag or PIN code through the user ID
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Remove a card / tag or PIN using the user ID
(Digit user ID)
Exit Setup Mode
Remove all users
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Remove all users
(Digit Master Code)
Exit Setup Mode
Remove one or more cards / tags using the "Master Delete Card" provided
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
Read the "Master Delete Card" on the reader
Remove one or more cards / tags
Read one or more cards on the reader
Exit Setup Mode
Read the "Master Delete Card" on the reader
Set relay opening / closing mode
This func on allows you to set the device access mode.
In par cular it is possible to ac vate / deac vate the output connected to the reader through the following op ons:
Op on 1) with card / tag detec on only;
Op on 2) with card / tag detec on and subsequent PIN code entry;
Op on 3) with card / tag detec on or by entering the PIN code
Op on 1 programming)
Select relay opening / closing with ONLY card / tag detec on
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Select relay opening / closing with card / tag
detec on ONLY
Exit Setup Mode
Op on 1 using)
Open / close the relay with card tag
Open / close the relay with card / tag
(Read card/tag on the reader)
Op on 2 programming)
Select relay opening / closing with card/tag detec on and subsequent PIN code entry
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Select open / close relay with card/tag detec on
and subsequent PIN entry
Exit Setup Mode
Op on 2 using)
Open / close the relay with card/tag detec on and subsequent PIN entry
Open / close the relay with card/tag detec on and
subsequent PIN entry
(Read card on the reader) (Digit PIN code)
T.A. Tecno Automazione s.r.l.
- Via Vicinale snc - 03018 - Paliano - (FR) - Italy - Tel +39 0775 533677 - Fax +39 0775 533299 - [email protected] -
T.A. Tecno Automazione s.r.l.
- Via Vicinale snc - 03018 - Paliano - (FR) - Italy - Tel +39 0775 533677 - Fax +39 0775 533299 - [email protected] -