Op on 3 programming)
Select relay opening / closing with card / tag detec on or with PIN code entry
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Select relay opening / closing with card / tag
detec on or with PIN code entry
Exit Setup Mode
Op on 3 using)
Open / close relay with card / tag detec on or PIN code detec on
Open / close the relay with card / tag detec on
(Read card on the reader)
Open / close relay with PIN code detec on
(Digit PIN code)
Relay configura on
Set relay opening mode: MONOSTABLE (Default)
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Monostable mode (Default 5 seconds)
The relay opening me can be set from 1 to 99
seconds (1 = 50 mS)
(Digit a number from 1 to 99)
Exit Setup Mode
Set relay opening mode: BISTABLE
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Bistable mode (Set the relay opening / closing in ON
/ OFF mode)
Exit programming mode
Set jamming mode
The "jamming mode” will be ac vated a er 10 detec ons of unauthorized users, therefore of failed a empts.
This func on can be set to deny access for 10 minutes and be deac vated only a er entering a valid card / tag or the
Master Code.
Jamming mode: OFF
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Jamming mode OFF
Exit Setup Mode
Jamming mode: ON without alarm
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Entering the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Jamming mode ON without alarm
Access will be denied for 10 minutes
Exit Setup Mode
T.A. Tecno Automazione s.r.l.
- Via Vicinale snc - 03018 - Paliano - (FR) - Italy - Tel +39 0775 533677 - Fax +39 0775 533299 - [email protected] -