Set keyboard backlight
keypad is equipped with a backlit keyboard, this func on can be ac vated or deac vated using the
following commands:
Keypad backlight: OFF
Opera on
Keystroke combina on
Enter the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Keypad backlight OFF
Exit programming mode
Keypad backlight: ON
Opera on
Keystroke combina on
Enter the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Keypad backlight ON
Exit programming mode
Restoring factory func ons and storing Master Cards
Warning: this opera on will restore the factory se ngs, it will not eliminate the already enabled u li es, to do this it
is necessary to perform the following opera on:
Remove all users
Working descrip on
Keystroke combina on
Enter the programming mode
(Digit Master Code)
Remove all users
(Digit Master Code)
Exit programming mode
this opera on will delete the "Master Add Card" and the "Master Delete Card".
To restore the factory func ons it is necessary to switch off the voltage, press the exit bu on and hold it down,
switch on, wait 2 beeps, then release the bu on, have 2 cards read:
The first card the device will read will be assigned the role of "Master Add Card", ie it will give it the possibility to
add other cards.
The second card that the device will read will be assigned the role of "Master Delete Card", ie it will give it the
possibility to remove cards already enabled.
If you do not wish to insert Master cards, you must press the exit bu on for at least 10 seconds before releasing it.
T.A. Tecno Automazione s.r.l.
- Via Vicinale snc - 03018 - Paliano - (FR) - Italy - Tel +39 0775 533677 - Fax +39 0775 533299 - [email protected] -