Important warnings
reserves the right to make any technical change to the product without prior no ce; it also declines
any responsibility for damages to persons or things due to improper use or improper installa on of the proximity
access control
This instruc ons manual is intended only for qualified technical personnel in the industry of entry system
installa ons.
No informa on contained in this manual is intended to end users.
Product overview
TASFD6T keypad from TA is a waterproof stand-alone access control device, programmable. It can be also
a standard Wiegand output keypad/reader player. It manag es 1000 users/codes. It has a simple design, easy
opera ons and has high reliability.
The device allows access through the use of an access code, a card/tag or a card/tag in combina on with an access
code or an input management through a bluetooth applica on compa ble with all smartphones..
1 Gate opening
2 Hea ng systems
3 Ac va on or deac va on of the alarm system
4 Ac va on or deac va on of supervision and monitoring systems
5 Ac va on or deac va on of automa c monitoring system
6 Ac vate or deac vate vending machines
7 Ac vate or deac vate pumping sta ons
8 Transport: vehicle power control
9 Boats: ac va on and deac va on of the power supply unit
10 Ac va on or deac va on of valves, generally an example for oil and gas pipelines
11 Industrial Automa on: various commands.
12 Etc…
T.A. Tecno Automazione s.r.l.
- Via Vicinale snc - 03018 - Paliano - (FR) - Italy - Tel +39 0775 533677 - Fax +39 0775 533299 - [email protected] -