4. Operating Instructions
Drip Mode Option (Cell Wash)
Cell Washing is a very gentle wash procedure for cell based assays. For this
application a special Cell Wash manifold (with longer dispensing needles) is
available as an option. In combination with the Drip Mode - option this allows to
select a slow dispensing speed (drop wise dispensing of liquid) that reduces
turbulences during the wash step and assures optimum results:
Example for instrument settings during programming procedure for Cell Wash
Aspiration Crosswise must set to NO or
Asp. Position 1 and 2: parameters for Asp.Pos.1 and 2 should be set identical
to give only one aspiration point or
If a round bottomed plate is defined – only Aspiration Pos.1 will be used.
Disp. Rate: drip
Asp. Rate: 1 – 2
Asp. Speed: 1 - 3 mm/sec
384 Well Manifold Option
This option is used for washing the 384 well microplate in rows.
The 384 Well Manifold performs both the cell washing and the ELISA washing
procedure for one manifold.
Example for instrument settings during programming procedure for 384 Well
Aspiration Crosswise must set to NO or
Asp. Position 1 and 2: parameters for Asp.Pos.1 and 2 should be set identical
to give only one aspiration point or
If a round bottomed plate is defined – only Aspiration Pos.1 will be used.
Asp. Rate: 1 – 2
Asp. Speed: 1 - 3 mm/sec
For options which are available for the 384 Well Manifold, see
Chapter 2.3.3
If a Cell Washing procedure is to be performed using the Drip Mode in
conjunction with a 384 Well Manifold, then the Wash procedure should
be programmed by using the individual program steps: Asp. and Disp.
The process step "Wash" should not be used.
May 2003
Instructions for Use for Columbus Washer No. I 109 006 Rev No. 2.2