play shows or , depending on which one of the two
bands you selected before. The number 8 stands for the
number of the actual channel of the actual band. By the help
of the Up/Down keys ( 4 ) the channels 1 to 8 of the PMR
band or the channels 1 to 69 of the LPD band can be chan-
ged in the wanted direction in a ring like system. Press the
confirmation key ( 5 ) to select the desired channel, and the
display will return to the main screen. Now the channel num-
ber appears at the position ( F ) and the frequency band at
the position ( B ). The symbol P means PMR mode and the
L means LPD mode.
The channel number of the not selected band remains sto-
2) Channel selection within the actual band
To select another channel within the actual band depress out
of the keys ( 4 ) Down
7 times or Up
once. The display
shows the writing CH. Then depress briefly the confirmation
and On/Off key ( 5 ). Then the display shows the writings
. On the left side of the writing CH you see an arrow,
which can be moved with the help of the Up/Down keys ( 4 )
either to the left side of the writing Band or back to the left
side of the writing CH. For the activation of the channel sel-
ection put the arrow on the left side of the writing CH and
then depress the confirmation key ( 5 ). Then the display
shows the writings or , depending on which one of
the two bands the actual band is. The number 8 stands for
the number of the actual channel of the actual band. By the
help of the Up/Down keys ( 4 ) the channels 1 to 8 of the
PMR band or the channels 1 to 69 of the LPD band can be
changed in the wanted direction in a ring like system. Press
the confirmation key ( 5 ) to select the desired channel, and
the display will return to the main screen. The channel num-
ber appears at the position ( F ). The actual frequency band
( Position B ) and the channel number of the not selected
band remain unchanged.
3) Activating the CTCSS function and selecting a CTCSS tone
The CTCSS function serves to suppress signals of unwanted
stations on the actual channel. If this function is active the
unit works as follows:
The other station is only audible in the speaker, if it adds to
its modulation signal a certain tone in the frequency range
from 67 Hz to 250 Hz with low level. In transmit mode the unit
adds itself to its modulation signal a tone of the same fre-
quency so that the muting device of the counter station can
open also. If the function is inactive you can hear every sta-
tion on the channel, and in transmit mode no tone is added
to the modulation signal.
To select the CTCSS function depress out of the keys ( 4 )
6 times or Up
2 times. The display shows the writ-
ing .Then depress briefly the confirmation and On/Off
key ( 5 ). Then the display shows the writing , where the
“22“ stands for the actual CTCSS tone code. By the help of
the Up/Down keys ( 4 ) the code numbers 0 to 38 can be
changed in the wanted direction in a ring like system. Press
the confirmation key ( 5 ) to select the desired code number,
and the display will return to the main screen. If the code
number is different from zero, it will be visible in the main
screen at the position ( G ). That means that the CTCSS fun-
ction has been activated with the CTCSS tone corresponding
to the code number.
If the selected code is “00“, there will be no code number visi-
ble in the lower right corner ( position G ) of the main screen.
That means that the CTCSS function is switched off now.
In the table in the annex you find the corresponding CTCSS
frequencies to the code numbers.
Manual_UHF-Handy 18.07.2003 16:53 Uhr Seite 28