SECTION 17: Getting Label Print Job Started
8) After the second pattern has been printed, take out
the medium.
- The upper and lower test patterns relative to the center hole are the same, and so are the left and
right test patterns.
- The upper and lower scales relate to vertical adjustment and the left and right scales relate to
horizontal adjustment.
9) Pairs of longer and shorter lines are printed along
the vertical and horizontal scales. Determine
which pair of longer and shorter lines is aligned (or
which pair of lines has the slightest displacement
between), enter the corresponding values in the
Horizontal and Vertical boxes on the Maintenance
tab, and click
. (In our example, you need to
enter 8 in the Vertical box.)
*When you click
, the data specified are loaded
into the P-55 and the following message is
displayed during the data loading.
Do not turn off the P-55 while the message is