Scale Indicator Manual 917-5
Te Pari Standard and Heavy Duty load bars
Installing Load bars - continued
The load bars can be bolted to the concrete pad or pinned in order to prevent movement.
For safety reasons, the load bars should be positioned as close to the ends of the platform or crush as
practical. Any overhang should not exceed 150mm.
The load bar cables should be positioned so that potential damage is minimised. Keep cables away
from animals so they cannot be chewed, walked on, or squashed in any way as any cable damage will
affect the weight reading and require the complete loadbar to be returned to Te Pari for repair
The total weight of the platform or crush must rest upon the load bars in order to ensure accurate and
consistent weight readings. Ensure that the load bars and platform are clear of any obstruction and
that the installation is as level as possible. Good drainage is essential so that the load bars are not left
sitting in puddles of muddy water.
Care when cleaning and hosing down to ensure no build-up of manure or mud around the load bars
will extend the life of the load bars and prevent inaccuracies with weight readings.
Do not weld any metalwork that is in contact with the load bars. The load bars should
be completely removed before any welding takes place as spurious currents will cause permanent
damage to the load cells.
Testing the installation
Connect the load bars to your Te Pari indicator.
Turn on the indicator and press zero.
Place a test weight at one end of the platform and note the reading on the indicator.
The displayed weight should be stable.
Remove the weight, check that the display returns to zero, then place the weight at the other end
of the platform and take note of the reading.
The weight reading should not vary by more than 1 kg from one end to the other and should return
to zero when the weight is removed. If this is not the case then check that the load bars or platform
are not binding on anything such as a fence post etc, the installation is level and secure, and that
there has been no cable damage during the installation. If necessary, loosening the anchor bolts may
relieve tension and allow better results.
Care and Maintenance
Te Pari load bars are designed to withstand the harsh conditions associated with sheep and cattle
crates and platforms. Taking care with installation and maintenance will prolong their life and ensure
accurate recording
When weighing ensure the animal is fully on the platform.
Keep the underside of the platform and around the load bars free of stones or muck build-up.
Store your indicator in a clean and dry environment and keep the indicator, load bars and cable
plugs away from water as much as possible.
The load bar cable plugs have caps which should always be screwed back on when not in use.
If possible position the plugs so that they are not exposed to the weather when not being used.
When cleaning the loadbars do not direct a water blaster directly at the loadcell area.