Scale Indicator Manual 917-5
Te Pari Downloader software - Connection of your scale to your computer
The System main menu opens.
Click the System button
Open the Te Pari Downloader application.
The System main menu opens.
The menu bar may or may not show the scale image
on the left of the menu bar
There are 3 sub tabs.
Click the Scales and Readers sub tab.
The other 2 tabs are for system diagnosis.
Under the Scales heading check the radio button
alongside the scale connection method you are using.
Click the X in the top right of the panel to exit.
You are returned to the System main menu.
Click the Home tab to be returned to the home tab.
The Scale image with its connection type listed below it should now appear in the left of
the menu bar. The connection is now complete and you are ready to work on your files.
Note the scale image will appear there now every time you open the application
regardless of whether or not there is an active connection.
Note: The screen grabs shown here are often cropped to show only the relevant portion.
With your scale connected to your computer and your scale powered on, your computer will usually find and
open the connection automatically, including installing any drivers required. If the connection does not auto
connect a driver disk is supplied and it may need to be installed.
Click the System tab.