Scale Indicator Manual 917-5
Te Pari Downloader software - Registration and activation
The first time you run the Te Pari Downloader the registration screen opens. Have an open internet connection so
the process can be completed online immediately. The registration process is only carried out once.
Complete the Name and Address fields.
All fields that are marked with an asterisk *
must be completed.
Select whether or not you wish to go on
the mailing list.
These same details also used, when
required, when you forward data from
the application.
Click the activate button.
The software will now be registered.
The Computer Key: and Licensed features:
fields will populate and a red seal with a
green tick over it will appear above the
close button.
The license is now active and you may click
the close button on the registration page.
The downloader now opens.
The software is registered for use on one machine only.
You will not be able to install the application on another machine without de-registering it first.