Scale Indicator Manual 917-5
Getting the latest software for your scale using your Te Pari Direct Support USB card
Packed with your Te Pari Scale is a quick connect USB card, shown below. To use it remove the USB
section from the back page of the card and, with an active internet connection, plug it into a spare USB
port on your PC.
You will be taken to the Te Pari Support software download area where you can download the latest
versions of all the Te Pari applications and drivers for use with your scale and its components. The URL
for the support centre is also printed on the card so you can type it into your web browser to go there.
Current applications are:
Te Pari connect for smart phones and devices
Allows you to load files from your scale to your smart phone or tablet and forward them by email
Te Pari Downloader
A comprehensive application for working with your sessions files and records on your personal
Drivers for your mini USB Wi-Fi adapter
You should download these drivers for Windows 7 and earlier. These drivers may not be required for
users with Windows 8 and above