Scale Indicator Manual 917-5
Te Pari Downloader software - Opening and viewing your files
With your Scale connected open the application and from the home tab click on
the Scale button. The main working file transfer window opens beneath the menu
bar as shown below.
Files on the scale are displayed in the file list. Double click on a file to download it.
The progress bar is shown as the files records populate the file display area.
Export and Filter bar. Has options for exporting and viewing loaded files by filter parameters.
Actions bar. Performs checks for duplicates in loaded files. Clicking the radio button alongside either Check EID’s,
Check VID’s or Check Both - performs that check.
While the file is Downloaded and loaded a progress bar is displayed.
The file display area. When a file is active its records are listed here. You can sort records as follows:
Clicking on a column title sorts the displayed records by that title. Clicking the small arrow alongside the title
toggles the sort between ascending and descending.
You can remove unwanted columns by clicking and holding on the title of the column and dragging the title up
off the file display area. A cross is displayed on the title bar. Letting the button go with the cross displayed on it will
remove that category column. Removing empty columns makes it easier to view file categories with data in them.
The Download Files list. Files found on your scale are displayed here.
NAIT file export. Creates a file to forward to NAIT.
Upload File. Allows you to browse for and upload files from your computer to your scale.
Comm Ports button. This will search for and display a list of available ports to connect to.
This is useful if you are having difficulty connecting to your scale.
The number of duplicate records found is shown in
the Duplicate Records box. Clicking the red X button
will remove the duplicate records.
All column functions can be accessed by right clicking
on any column title - see over