Scale Indicator Manual 917-5
Te Pari Downloader software - Opening and viewing your files
Te Pari Downloader software - Exporting, printing and filtering
The column sort actions are also available by right clicking on any
column title. The functions list is displayed. These are self explanatory.
When you remove a column it will not be shown again on any file
until it is reinstated. To do this right click on any column title to bring
up the functions list and click on Column Chooser.
The categories not currently being displayed are listed. Double
clicking on the column title/s you wish to reintroduce will restore it.
Note: removing the category title does not delete the information,
it only stops displaying it. The data is still held in the record.
Other useful tools in the functions list include:
The find panel. Selecting this brings up a search panel at the top of the file window that you can use to search for
specific entries.
The Filter Editor: Allows you to create a custom filter to refine your records. e.g. you have recorded XMD against
animals that you notice have missed docking during a draft. You can create a filter to view records with XMD
recorded in them and view a list of just these animals. When done you can clear the filter with the same tool.
The Preview/Export button. When you click this the current file is opened in a print preview window.
All the usual print formatting options are available here for you as shown below.
There are also 2 export buttons, highlighted above. These allow you to select from a drop down list of file format
options and either save the file locally or to email it on. The Email option saves the file first then opens your email
application with the file already attached ready for you to select the recipient.
Export to Excel button. Select your preferred format, from the options below the button, then click the Export To
Excel button. A standard Windows Save As dialogue box is opened. Provide a file and location and click Save.
Displays the currently active files name.
Exports the file using a standard Windows Save As dialogue box for MINDA livestock systems (*xlsx format)
Apply (Date) Filter button. The dates the records were taken are listed in the File Date: drop down menu box
(shown below) you can select to view files from a single date by clicking the Apply Filter button.
When a date filter is applied the button changes to Remove Filter and
clicking the button clears the filter and displays all date ranges.