© TDT GmbH
Chapter 4: System Confuguration
Seite 24 von 136
4 System Confuguration
In Webinterfaces
menu the basic router settings can be changed.
Furthermore many configuration tasks can be done using the CLI. This methode is suitable to reduze
traffic and for the case that only low bandwidth is available.
4.1 Bootup and Shutdown
In the Bootup and Shutdown menu the running and stopped services are displayed. By marking one or a
number of the selection boxes the preferred services can be started or stopped by clicking the
corresponding button underneath the table.
On the bottom of the page there are two additional buttons providing the ability to restart or power off the
router. Furthermore the running system will be displayed, and you are able to change the default bootup
system (System 1 or System 2).
In CLI’s top level the commands
may be used to perform router reboot
or shutdown.
4.2 Configuration Handling
Using the Configuration Handling, stored router configuration files can be reinstated or respectively the
current router configuration files can be stored. During saving process the whole
directory will be
stored into flash.
With the integrated upload and download function, you are able to upload configuration files from your
computer or download files from the router, which have been created with the Configuration Handling
previously. (see chapter 8
Save and restore configuration
4.3 Event-Handler
4.3.1 Event-Handler
The Event-Handler provides the possibility to react on a certain event with a predefined command (script).
Therefore the router pings a target host and starts the predefined script depending on the result. The
intervals between the pings and the minimum threshold for activating the script can be defined precisely.
Activate process-Monitoring
Activate/deactivate Event-Handlers process-monitoring
Interval for process-
Intervall in seconds for process-monitoring
Action to perform on
missing process
Action to perform if eventhandler process is not running
Activate Event-Handler
Activate/deactivate Event-Handler