Grounding Outputs
Either the positive or negative output terminals can be grounded. To avoid noise problems caused by
common-mode current flowing from the load to ground, it is recommended to ground the output
terminal as close as possible to the power supply chassis ground.
Always use two wires to connect the load to the power supply regardless of how the system is
When grounding output terminals as a part of series connection, several precautions must
be taken into consideration. Refer to the User manual, section 3.4.
There is a potential shock hazard at the RS232/485, LAN, USB and the IEEE ports when
using power supplies in series with combined voltage greater than 600V, and the Positive
Output of the Power Supply is grounded. Do Not connect the Positive Output to ground
when using the RS232/485, LAN or IEEE.
Wenn in Reihe geschaltete Netzgeräte mit einer kombinierten Spannung von mehr als
600V benutzt werden und der positive Ausgang des Netzgeräts geerdet ist, besteht das
Risiko eines Stromschlags an den RS232/485, LAN-, USB- und IEEE-Ports. Schließen
Sie den positiven Ausgang nicht an die Masse an, wenn Sie RS232/485, LAN oder
IEEE benutzen.