TCS TürControlSysteme AG, TCS Hotline Germany: +49 41 94/ 9 88 11 88
Subject to technical changes.
FAX: +49 41 94/ 9 88 129
Mail: [email protected]
PI_IMM2500 1A
indication for button YELLOW
: send control function 2,
: send control function 1 (or vice versa,
depending on the configuration)
: send internal 2
(switching lights: no indication)
button GREEN, configurable
call diversion 3 on/off
send control function 8 (=factory setting)
send internal call 1
indication for button GREEN
: call diversion activated
: in case of an incoming internal call
from an assigned indoor station and sending
internal call 1
(control function 8: no indication)
motion sensor
with response delay
After detecting a longer break in the activity of
the resident within the coverage, a control
function 9 is sent automatically after the de-
termined period of time has run out. When in-
stalling the IMM2500 on a desktop accessory,
the motion sensor must be deactivated (off)!
door call signalling
(6 bright LEDs integrated)
ON: during a running announcement and
when listen-in
: in case of an incoming call (from the
front-door, floor or internal)
control microphone sensitivity
microphone sensitivity can be adjusted continu-
control for motion sensor sensitiv-
motion sensor sensitivity can be adjusted con-
WE: Factory setting
Find an installation site
The view of the motion sensor to the coverage must not be restricted (e.g. by furniture).
The motion sensor must not be point directly to windows, heatings, solar radiation, open
flames or moving heat sources.
Ensure that no pets are within the coverage, their movements might be detected.
When installing the IMM2500 on a desktop accessory, the motion sensor must be deac-
tivated (off)!