Replacing components
The TBS POWERCUBE comes pre-assembled out of the box. The stand-offs and nuts require a 5mm hex driver.
TBS has some specialized tools available for super-fast and safe assembly. Without specialized tools, please
take extra care when opening nuts that are close to the internal BUS-port (black pin header socket) and look
out for small SMD components close to the stand-offs. The torque used in the assembly is 0.4Nm, if you have
adjustable torque tools we suggest to use the same setting.
The flight control and power distribution boards are “terminating layers” - meaning they are the head and the
tail of the cube. In between are the ESCs, which are stacked on top of each other with 180 degree offset, this
means the motor wires exit left and right in alternating fashion. The ESCs know their spot in the TBS
POWERCUBE, so starting from the top down they are tied to motor #1 to #6 according to their position in the
stack from the flight control layer. Take extra care when putting the TBS POWERCUBE back together - the pin
header socket sits down on the pins from the layer below. Make sure the headers line line up before applying
pressure to avoid bending the pins.