Driver installation
The COLIBRI RACE is one of the first flight controllers that natively supports USB. In newer operating systems
(Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.10) there are no drivers required to enable configuration. However, for the most
users a new driver has to be installed manually. Download and install the following driver.
STM32 VCP Driver Download (Windows only)
Some computers may not immediately recognize the new STM32 VCP device after installing the driver. You
may need to go into your
Device Manager
and updating the driver directly. Find a yellow icon next to the USB
device, right-click it and select “Update Driver”. Navigate to the following folder to locate the correct driver:
C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Virtual comport driver\
Updating firmware using TBS Agent (recommended)
Getting the latest firmware flashed via TBS Agent is a fast and easy process. This is the recommended method
of updating the COLIBRI RACE.
1. Install the latest STM32 VCP drivers, as shown in the previous section, from
2. Open
TBS Agent
and click on the “UPDATE COLIBRI RACE”-tab
3. (Pressing boot button for update the FC is not necessary anymore with latest Agent revision, unless
the firmware has been completely erased)
Press and hold the “BOOT”-button on the COLIBRI board while connecting the micro-USB cable to the
side of the main assembly to enter DFU programming-mode.