Entering OSD configuration menu
After the initial calibration is done, the main OSD overlay will show and the CORE PRO is ready to be
1. To enter the OSD configuration menu, hold the throttle stick down-left for 4 seconds (mode 2)
2. A countdown will let you know that you are about to enter the OSD menu
RC Calibration (mandatory)
R/C Calibration is required to teach the TBS CORE PRO and the flight controller which stick performs which
action on your remote control. RC Calibration comes up either automatically if you are running the CORE PRO
for the first time, or it is available in the R/C menu under “Flight Controller”
“RC Calibration
Wizard” if you need to access it again.
The default settings for RC calibration match the CleanFlight/BetaFlight settings. If your R/C matches these
settings you may choose to skip the R/C calibration setup step.
Calibrate new setup
The CORE PRO is by default expecting an SBUS signal since this is the most commonly used protocol
nowadays among FPV racers. If you are using any other receiver such as CROSSFIRE CRSF, Spektrum DSM
satellite, or any PPM-compatible receiver, press the ENTER key of the CORE PRO to cycle through the available
signal options.
A restart of the flight controller is required so please allow it some time. At the same time for it to load, center
all of your R/C sticks, and the RC Calibration Wizard will launch. Follow the instructions to assign the right RC
channels. After these steps you will be able to control the OSD with your Roll- and Pitch-stick.
(procedure shown on the next page)