Account Setup for EVIDENCE.com
This chapter describes preparing your EVIDENCE.com account for use with your AXON body camera. An
EVIDENCE.com account is required to upload data from the camera to the EVIDENCE.com services. Even if your
department does not upload data to EVIDENCE.com, your agency administrator still needs an EVIDENCE.com
account to use the AXON system and configure your AXON body camera.
To register a user account:
• Follow the instructions in
EVIDENCE.com Registration
• Install the EVIDENCE Sync software on your computer, as described in
nstalling the EVIDENCE Sync Software
onto your Computer
• Unless your agency administrator has assigned your camera to you, follow the instructions in
Assigning Your
AXON Equipment
EVIDENCE.com Registration
Before using your AXON hardware, you must register and have a user account with EVIDENCE.com. After your
agency administrator signs you up, you should receive an email invitation from EVIDENCE.com. Follow these
Using your desktop or laptop computer, click the link in the user invitation e-mail message sent to you by
your agency.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Log into the site.
Once you have set up your user account on EVIDENCE.com, you will be active in the system. For more details on
EVIDENCE.com registration, please contact your agency’s EVIDENCE.com administrator.
Installing the EVIDENCE Sync Software onto your Computer
After accessing your EVIDENCE.com account, you will need to install the EVIDENCE Sync software on your
computer. EVIDENCE Sync is software used to manage your AXON videos. It can download records from your
AXON body camera to your computer, or upload records from the camera to the EVIDENCE.com cloud website.