G a te w a y S e rie s U s e r M a n u a l
Ta d ira n Te le c o m
5 - 1
Parameter Setting
5.1 Login
Double-click the icon
to open IE browser, and enter the gateway IP address in the browser address
bar (eg., you can enter the login interface for gateway configuration by entering a
password on the login interface.
Figure 5-1 Login Interface for TGWXE1 Gateway Configuration
Both Chinese and English Languages are provided for the Web interface.
Logon users are classified into
. The default passwordsare
letters required) and
. The password is shown in a cipher for safety.
The administrator can browse and modify all configuration parameters, and modify login passwords.
The operator can browse and modify part of configuration parameters.
The gateways allow multiple users to log in:
The administrator has permission for modification and the operator has permission for browsing;
When multiple users with same level of permission log in, the first has permission for modification,
while the others only have permission for browsing.
T h e s y s te m w ill c o n firm tim e o u t if u s e rs d o n o t c o n d u c t a n y o p e ra tio n w ith in 1 0 m in u te s a fte r lo g in .
T h e y a re re q u ire d to lo g in a g a in fo r c o n tin u in g o p e ra tio n s .
U p o n c o m p le tio n o f c o n fig u ra tio n , c lic k th e
b u tto n to re tu rn to th e lo g in p a g e , s o a s n o t to
a ffe c t th e lo g in p e rm is s io n o f o th e r u s e rs .
Summary of Contents for Aeonix TGW SIP-PRI Series
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