In case notcher tips need fine adjustment do the following:
Heat holder pin with a flame until tips can be turned with 2 mm wrench to the proper
depth. Heating is necessary because of glue on tip’s screw.
Remove the 19 mm nut under the base as follows:
Put lever in down position. Turn notcher on it’s side and loosen the nut.
Noe you can remove screw rod, upper and lower die assemblies, spring and base from
each other.
Lower die has been tightened on the body plate with the help of 4 pieces of 6 mm
screws. Loosen with a 6mm hex wrench and remove.
Remove upper die assembly as above (point 12.3.4). To remove name plate, unscrew the
two screws and lift off name plate. Secure tube shaft to vise. Only loosen lock screws of
holder pins with 3 mm wrench and remove lock screw of 54 mm (2”) holder pin (this will
help to position upper die to the right spot when assembling).
Remove all holder pins. Loosen lock nut on the top and remove that + washer with the
help of hook key. 45 - 50 mm hook key is required or loosen with screw driver and mallet.
Remove two pins in the assembly by hammering them trough the holes with center
punch. Remove holder pin plate and replace upper die. Assembly may be done as follows:
Assemble upper die and holder pin plate on support plate for upper die so that holes Ø 6
mm are on the same line. Upper dies position must be such that the two smallest dies are
on the left of 54 mm (2”) dies.
Hammer the pins Ø 6 mm (2 pcs) into the holes.
Assemble the washer and lock nut and tighten. Assemble the holder pins and tighten the
lock screw of those. There are similar holder pins 28 - 54 mm (1”, 1¼”, 1½”, 2”)* and four
different from 12 mm (3/8”) up to 22 mm (¾”). **
Insert appropriate holder pins and tighten the nut 19mm as instructed in part 12.3.2.
the 54 mm (2”) pin has the notcher tips that are extended the most
22 mm (¾”) holder pin has a slight bevel at the end
18 mm (5/8”) holder pin has a slight bevel at the end and a thinner profile
15 mm (½”) holder pin also has a slight bevel plus an even thinner profile
12 mm (3/8”) holder pin has the bevel plus a half round profile