SYX66x Commissioning Guide
V1.10.3 300117
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The SYX66x controller is configured by the installer to provide control of simple heating plant. The SYX66x is
configured in specific phases. The phases are: Overrides, Heating, Hot Water, Boilers and Connections. The heating and
hot water functions are independent of each other but may share some features such as the Boilers and Overrides. These
options allow the controller to be easily adapted to best suit particular plant and building applications. The selection
and behavior of an option is also further determined by the user settings inside the associated option itself. This allows
a logical procedure through the controller configuration and fine tuning of specific sections in turn.
The heating mode options in the controller that can be selected during set-up are:
Optimum Start/Stop of a plant start signal with Space Frost Protection and Space High Limit Protection
Optimiser Compensator of valve and/or Boiler(s) with Frost Protection
Day Compensation of Valve and/or Boiler(s) with Night Reduced Compensated Heating
Day Compensation of Valve and/or Boiler(s) with Night Frost Protection
V1.10 Introduces a Y Plan Mode option, the Heating can be optimised if required and the HWS will be demand
controlled to enhance older systems.
V1.10 Introduces Underfloor Heat Demand option for the heating circuit of underfloor manifolds.
On start-up, the settings have been pre-set to give sensible values suitable for a Radiator VT Heating System.
All of the above Heating Modes are available with a Hot Water Service output that also has the following options:
Boiler Linked with adjustable Primary Set point
Boiler Linked with adjustable Primary Set point and HWS Demand control (Pin 10)
Independent Hot Water Heating Time Channel.
Option to Link the Hot Water to the Heating Extension Button (Pin 9)