SYX66x Commissioning Guide
V1.10.3 300117
Page 55 of 61
Values Tab
Setup Output
– The Current Signal reading irrespective of the signal purpose
This relates to Option 2 Boiler Set point and the scaling of the value
This controller provides a direct reading of the current boiler set point but scaled over a 0-10v signal. This equates
as follows:
0v = 0’C
10v = 100’C
The controller offers the ability to rescale this signal to suit the boiler(s) as required using the following settings
available in Level 2 in the Connections area.
Set point Low
Set point High
Min Voltage %
Max Voltage %
If a boiler had a set point range of 20 to 85’C over a 4v to 8v range then the settings would be as follows:
Set point Low = 20
Set point High = 85
Min Voltage = 4v
Max Voltage = 8v
If using set point control to multiple boilers are not reliant on the Boiler Flow Sensor for control purposes. The Boiler
flow sensor will be used for information only.
Sensor Calibration
– An offset can be applied to each of the individual sensors to calibrate the readings (-25 to 25
range). Sensors should be checked annually for accuracy and correct operation.